Gwen Hoople is a loan consultant (license
#: 01242680) specializing in residential mortgages for purchase
and refinance. Located at Holmgren
and Associates, she serves clients throughout the state of California
from her office on Mountain Blvd, Oakland, California.
Please take a look around, or call Gwen
at 510 301 3037 to discuss your situation.
Considering a home purchase or refinancing?
Gwen Hoople understands that buying a house is a huge decision,
and she strives to make her clients
comfortable. She welcomes calls from people just starting the loan
process who want to know what they can afford, and she gladly
provides numbers on the phone without obligation. Gwen streamlines
the loan application, advising
clients exactly what information
they'll need and filling out the paperwork with them.
To help clients understand the myriad
loan packages now available, Gwen provides multiple scenarios showing
how different rates and loan types deliver different results. She
explains the factors that determine how much a client
can borrow and what interest
rate they can get.